Monday, August 2, 2010

Who? Me? Booooring.

~ Picture of me ~

Hey people! This is Le Boo's very first blog post. I never really thought I would get to blogging, like, ever. But, I was convinced to do so, so I will try and keep this up as much as possible. Especially since I have absolutely nothing to do these days ;P
So, since I am doing this, I might as well get it right, and start by introducing myself.

WHO am I?
Well, My name is Anine, but people call me Skitz. I am 15 years old - 16 in November - and I am a girl (oh my god no way!). I currently live in Norway. I love all different types of music! :D
I enjoy photography and painting, and have a deviantART page, so check it out ^^

Not much more to say about me for now, so I guess this post is over, right?
Well, I don't really know what this blog is going to be about, but fuck it, that isn't really important ;P I'll just go with the flow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi <3
    Best of luck with the blog, I love the name ;3
    Page is looking fab :)
    luvluvluvluvilub, Viv <3
