Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ghosts 'n Stuff

My day has been very nice so far, even though it is only 13:15, 01:15 PM for those of you who struggle with military time system sheit :P
I woke up early and feel so fresh. I am actually thinking if continuing this story that I am writing. It is far from finished, but turning out very well if I might say so myself. I will probably be doing some editing when I have written the whole thing, but then I am going to post it on deviantart and put the link here, so that those of you who happen to stop by and read the post will read it and maybe fave it if you are a member of deviantart? <33

Me looking like a dork ~

I am having trouble thinking of stuff to write. Hmm. I was thinking of writing a bunch of serious stuff, but then I decided that it was too serious for me xD Lol. So instead, here is a picture of a John Mc'Cain with a pancake on his head.

For further reference, I have nothing against Mc'Cain. In fact, I dont give a fuck about Politics.

So now my sister is awesome, and I wanted to post a picture she just took and put out on deviantart. Click on the Picture to go in to the page and get full view.

Check out her art here

Thats pretty much all for now xD

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