Thursday, August 26, 2010

A long time. Skitz is super stoked!!

So yeah, I have gone a very long time without internet connection or mobile service BECAUSE someone forgot to pay the phone bill.....FUCK YOU, person who forgot to pay D:

Other than that, I am super stoked!! As you read in my overly enthusiastic title ^^ I am in a new school with completely unknown people and I am getting along with everyone, which is a nice change from the school I went to before :)
Videregående (11th grade xD) isn't that much different than 10th grade. I don't really feel any pressure. I just cant wait for next year when I can go IB :D I really hope I get in.

Hmm....I dont really have much to say....
Well, if I think of anything I'll write it later or something :P

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