Saturday, August 7, 2010

Comments and S H E I T

So I am on for a little while. We get internet through our phones up here, and my dad has this special deal thing so it doesnt cost so much xD

Anyway, I am still having trouble figuring out how to reply to comments I get here >.<>

So now that that is out of the way, I can tell you a little bit about my past 2 or something days here ^^ It has been pretty nice. Yesterday it was raining so there was absolutely no sun, but today it has been absolutely gorgeous weather, and I have - luckily - not gotten a sunburn!! I am ultra sensative to sun, so I get burnt really quickly :P Still not much of a tan though. I guess Im better off that way anyway >.<

The kittens (our 3 little sadists + the nazi mother of a cat) have been very cute >.<>

Arent those little suckers cute!? I definitly think they are <3>
Other than the fact that the kittens are being adorable, I am thinking about taking a swim in the lovely ocean, but there are a shitload of jellyfish out there :S And I hate the jellyfishies ;_; But maybe, just maybe, they have called it a day so that people can finally go swimming ^^ Then I would be happy !!

I think thats really it for now. I'll try get on the PC later next week. WITH NEWS :D Maybe something other than the kittens or the weather xD Maybe something about my sister trying to get ahold of Justin Bieber or something xD That would be a sight. :P She is pretty much half way there. I know all his songs by heart because of her >.<>

Its a lovely song. Really love the part where he says; "Three whole words, and eight letters late"
I practically died when I heard that! So simple, yet so ingenious!! For those who dont get it, SHAME ON YOU!! Figure it out, what is three words and together eight letters??
Todays quote,
"But it is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville

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