Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I cu-cu-cu-cut my hair !

So as you can see, I have cut my hair :D Now I can finally use a beanie without looking like a complete dumb-ass :D I am so happy!!

The guy who cut my hair was very nice. We had a nice conversation about where I wanted to study later on, and I said in Switzerland. And he got all happy and said that his father was from Switzerland. So he was all happy, and we had a conversation about Swiss German and Hoch Deutsch.
Anyway, after a long time at the hairdresser, me and my friends, Helen and Liza, went out to a cafe/littlefoodstorething, and bought something to eat, and sat up in the upper floor, sitting by the edge so we could look down at all the people who came and bought stuff. And WHATD'YOUKNOW!!! The guy who cut my hair came in the store! (he had cut Helen's hair as well). So me and Helen fell backwards, trying to hide ourselves. And after he left, we looked at each other and asked each other, "Why the hell did we just hide from him?".

Failblog. =.= That was my story for today people :D

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