Monday, August 9, 2010

Swim to meee ~

I was sitting on the rocks by the water, watching the sunset (sounds romantic <3)

I was so captivated by the animal. Seals are definitly on my top 10 favorite animals ^^
Unfortunatly, I dont have any pictures of it because I didnt dare run up or call for anyone to get me a camera, and I really dont have the best camera either. Nokia N97 camera...its okay, not the best though. But it is the one I use to take pictures for deviantART.

Other than that, I have finally finished the book I was supposed to read for this leadership thing I am apart of. Its a Norwegian book called "Ærlighetsminuttet".
It was a nice book. All about art, God, Jesus and love. It really wasnt a big page turner, and not very exciting, but it was a relaxing book. A lot of deep thoughts aroung religion and love, and a lot about all the famous artists since anyone can remember. Rembrandt, Chagall, Picazzo, van Gogh, Edward Munch et cetra. I did like it a little, and I recomend it to any Norwegian speaking art lover out there. Also those fond of sorta weird romances. Lol.

In other news, I am more of a solitare addict, I have the SLIGHTEST tan (PROUD!) and I still hate cold, ocean water, yet I love showering in cold water xD I hate Veet products because they suck, and I want to read Nelson Demille's, "The Lion's Game"
My dad bought Nesquik cereal for my sister, yet I am allergic to milk (not lactose intolerance though, just normal milk allergies).

TOMORROW MY "BROTHERS" ARE COMING TO VISIT!! They really arent my brothers, but I see them as brothers, so its the same shit. They are Swiss/Swedish, and I have known them since I was 8 or something, so they are special to me. I am so glad I have been able to hold contact with them, and it is all thanks to my parents (for once!) because they are friends with their parents :P Lol

So now I am pretty much done talking about what has happened the past 2 days ^^ I cant wait for tomorrow <3

Todays song; "I Have To Go Return Some Video Tapes" by Breathe Caroline" - one of my many favorites by them ^w^ I highly suggest Breathe Carolina's album "Hello Fascination". Absolutely adore it <3

Todays quote;
"If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten" - Anthony Robbins

1 comment:

  1. I love seals too :) There's one by my cottage : )))
    uurrrghg, I still haven't read it XD
    Let's watch movies when you come back <3 :)
