Friday, August 20, 2010


I am finally home from a long 5 days at camp :] I have gotten to know a lot of new, amazing people and learned a lot of new things.

Yesterday there was a girl who went up on stage and told us that she had written a song for her friends who had had cancer. When she started to sing, her voice was so amazing and her song so touching, it brought tears to my eyes. I am not fucking around. She is one of the most talented people I know, and she is going to make it big later in life, no doubt about it.

Other than that camp has been so much fun. I was apart of a sketch, which (hopefully) most people thought was funny xD And then we were just talking to new people and doing activities and stuff :]

On the way home we were on the bus. There were two buses, one with kids from one part of town, and the other bus with kids from another part of town. Our bus passed the one bus and we waved to them happily and nicely. Then after about 10 minutes, their bus passes our bus, and we look out the window to wave, and what do we see? 3 of the boys had pulled down their pants and boxers and were mooning us xD FUCKING HILARIOUS!! I laughed so hard and the rest of the girls were horrified :P

Thats all I have for now. I am so hungry I could eat a mammoth :] Ciao, mother fuckers ;P

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