Monday, August 30, 2010

It's so cool you don't even know about it! :O

I got in to pre IB!!! :D

Oh yeh, ahah :P I am actually a little sad to have to leave my class since I had just gotten to know everyone and now I have to start all over again, but other than that I am super happy!! Finally I don't feel like a failure!! (not that I ever have O.o)

Thats all for now. I feel like I need a new theme to blog about...hmm..suggestions in the comment section ^^

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A long time. Skitz is super stoked!!

So yeah, I have gone a very long time without internet connection or mobile service BECAUSE someone forgot to pay the phone bill.....FUCK YOU, person who forgot to pay D:

Other than that, I am super stoked!! As you read in my overly enthusiastic title ^^ I am in a new school with completely unknown people and I am getting along with everyone, which is a nice change from the school I went to before :)
Videregående (11th grade xD) isn't that much different than 10th grade. I don't really feel any pressure. I just cant wait for next year when I can go IB :D I really hope I get in.

Hmm....I dont really have much to say....
Well, if I think of anything I'll write it later or something :P

Friday, August 20, 2010


I am finally home from a long 5 days at camp :] I have gotten to know a lot of new, amazing people and learned a lot of new things.

Yesterday there was a girl who went up on stage and told us that she had written a song for her friends who had had cancer. When she started to sing, her voice was so amazing and her song so touching, it brought tears to my eyes. I am not fucking around. She is one of the most talented people I know, and she is going to make it big later in life, no doubt about it.

Other than that camp has been so much fun. I was apart of a sketch, which (hopefully) most people thought was funny xD And then we were just talking to new people and doing activities and stuff :]

On the way home we were on the bus. There were two buses, one with kids from one part of town, and the other bus with kids from another part of town. Our bus passed the one bus and we waved to them happily and nicely. Then after about 10 minutes, their bus passes our bus, and we look out the window to wave, and what do we see? 3 of the boys had pulled down their pants and boxers and were mooning us xD FUCKING HILARIOUS!! I laughed so hard and the rest of the girls were horrified :P

Thats all I have for now. I am so hungry I could eat a mammoth :] Ciao, mother fuckers ;P

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What we do here

Leaving it all behind by ~DigitalHeartache on deviantART

We do a lot of fun stuff, and this is one of the things :] I am a part of this art group at the camp, and today we had photography ^^ This is the shot I chose and edited for the group :] Enjoy :P

Tomorrow is CARTOON DRAWING :D ( Though I doing think I will be able to get it online yet :[ )

Ghosts 'n Stuff

My day has been very nice so far, even though it is only 13:15, 01:15 PM for those of you who struggle with military time system sheit :P
I woke up early and feel so fresh. I am actually thinking if continuing this story that I am writing. It is far from finished, but turning out very well if I might say so myself. I will probably be doing some editing when I have written the whole thing, but then I am going to post it on deviantart and put the link here, so that those of you who happen to stop by and read the post will read it and maybe fave it if you are a member of deviantart? <33

Me looking like a dork ~

I am having trouble thinking of stuff to write. Hmm. I was thinking of writing a bunch of serious stuff, but then I decided that it was too serious for me xD Lol. So instead, here is a picture of a John Mc'Cain with a pancake on his head.

For further reference, I have nothing against Mc'Cain. In fact, I dont give a fuck about Politics.

So now my sister is awesome, and I wanted to post a picture she just took and put out on deviantart. Click on the Picture to go in to the page and get full view.

Check out her art here

Thats pretty much all for now xD

Monday, August 16, 2010

Long time

So yeah, last post half my post went missing and Im too lazy to fix it.

Now I am just going to make a short post about what has happened since last ^^ My brothers came over to visit us, and then we ended up going to sweden and spending time with them there :D It was loads of fun and I wish I could have stayed longer.

Now I am at camp, and I cant wait for this week!! Its going to be loads of fun ^^

And then school starts >.<

Monday, August 9, 2010

Swim to meee ~

I was sitting on the rocks by the water, watching the sunset (sounds romantic <3)

I was so captivated by the animal. Seals are definitly on my top 10 favorite animals ^^
Unfortunatly, I dont have any pictures of it because I didnt dare run up or call for anyone to get me a camera, and I really dont have the best camera either. Nokia N97 camera...its okay, not the best though. But it is the one I use to take pictures for deviantART.

Other than that, I have finally finished the book I was supposed to read for this leadership thing I am apart of. Its a Norwegian book called "Ærlighetsminuttet".
It was a nice book. All about art, God, Jesus and love. It really wasnt a big page turner, and not very exciting, but it was a relaxing book. A lot of deep thoughts aroung religion and love, and a lot about all the famous artists since anyone can remember. Rembrandt, Chagall, Picazzo, van Gogh, Edward Munch et cetra. I did like it a little, and I recomend it to any Norwegian speaking art lover out there. Also those fond of sorta weird romances. Lol.

In other news, I am more of a solitare addict, I have the SLIGHTEST tan (PROUD!) and I still hate cold, ocean water, yet I love showering in cold water xD I hate Veet products because they suck, and I want to read Nelson Demille's, "The Lion's Game"
My dad bought Nesquik cereal for my sister, yet I am allergic to milk (not lactose intolerance though, just normal milk allergies).

TOMORROW MY "BROTHERS" ARE COMING TO VISIT!! They really arent my brothers, but I see them as brothers, so its the same shit. They are Swiss/Swedish, and I have known them since I was 8 or something, so they are special to me. I am so glad I have been able to hold contact with them, and it is all thanks to my parents (for once!) because they are friends with their parents :P Lol

So now I am pretty much done talking about what has happened the past 2 days ^^ I cant wait for tomorrow <3

Todays song; "I Have To Go Return Some Video Tapes" by Breathe Caroline" - one of my many favorites by them ^w^ I highly suggest Breathe Carolina's album "Hello Fascination". Absolutely adore it <3

Todays quote;
"If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten" - Anthony Robbins

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Comments and S H E I T

So I am on for a little while. We get internet through our phones up here, and my dad has this special deal thing so it doesnt cost so much xD

Anyway, I am still having trouble figuring out how to reply to comments I get here >.<>

So now that that is out of the way, I can tell you a little bit about my past 2 or something days here ^^ It has been pretty nice. Yesterday it was raining so there was absolutely no sun, but today it has been absolutely gorgeous weather, and I have - luckily - not gotten a sunburn!! I am ultra sensative to sun, so I get burnt really quickly :P Still not much of a tan though. I guess Im better off that way anyway >.<

The kittens (our 3 little sadists + the nazi mother of a cat) have been very cute >.<>

Arent those little suckers cute!? I definitly think they are <3>
Other than the fact that the kittens are being adorable, I am thinking about taking a swim in the lovely ocean, but there are a shitload of jellyfish out there :S And I hate the jellyfishies ;_; But maybe, just maybe, they have called it a day so that people can finally go swimming ^^ Then I would be happy !!

I think thats really it for now. I'll try get on the PC later next week. WITH NEWS :D Maybe something other than the kittens or the weather xD Maybe something about my sister trying to get ahold of Justin Bieber or something xD That would be a sight. :P She is pretty much half way there. I know all his songs by heart because of her >.<>

Its a lovely song. Really love the part where he says; "Three whole words, and eight letters late"
I practically died when I heard that! So simple, yet so ingenious!! For those who dont get it, SHAME ON YOU!! Figure it out, what is three words and together eight letters??
Todays quote,
"But it is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation." - Herman Melville

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gone for a while

I'm sorry to say, that I am going to be leaving you all today :( Not that there really is many who follow up on my blog xD
Anyway, the point is that I am going to enjoy the rest of my vacation, so I am going to be gone until the 20th of August. I am going up to my summer hut to enjoy the sun that will NOT be there, and then going off to camp for the last week of vacation. That will probably be the only fun thing I will be doing this summer.

So, that being out of the way, I was roaming around deviantART, and I found some very talented, yet fairly unknown artists. And I wanted to share a piece of each of their art.

The artist of this piece - has been a deviant for 2 years and yet he has only 2'424 pageviews! Heck, I have been a deviant for 1 year and have 3'700 something! Check out his other submissions and be blown away by his awesomeness :P

This artist - - has been a deviant for 2 years and has a mere 877 pageviews!!! She is very talented and I love a lot of her art :] Check her out and give her the publicity she deserves ;P

The photographer here - - is only 13 years old! She has been a deviant for 7 months and has 195 pageviews! Seriously, guys, people these days really cant see talent for the life of them xD

The artist of this wonderful piece - - is only 15 years old and is a wonderful painter, photographer, poet and story writer! She also makes comics :P She has been a deviant for 2 years and has 3'642 pageviews!! Please, for the love of any higher intelligence, GO TAKE A LOOK!!

Okay, by this one I am actually shocked. This artist - - has been a deviant for 1 year and has 39 pageviews. What. The. Fuck. How does this happen? Go check out his art. NOW.

This guy - annes3200.deviantart,com - has been a deviant for 1 year and has 1'789 pageviews :/ I say you just click on the link of the picture, and STALK HIS ART!!! He is very talented and creative ^^

And that was it for my "famous" features for today ^^ I really hope some people actually see this post and spread the word. Especially if you know someone who has deviantart and has an interest in photography, TELL THEM TO TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!! If they dont love it, they must at least like it. ;P

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I cu-cu-cu-cut my hair !

So as you can see, I have cut my hair :D Now I can finally use a beanie without looking like a complete dumb-ass :D I am so happy!!

The guy who cut my hair was very nice. We had a nice conversation about where I wanted to study later on, and I said in Switzerland. And he got all happy and said that his father was from Switzerland. So he was all happy, and we had a conversation about Swiss German and Hoch Deutsch.
Anyway, after a long time at the hairdresser, me and my friends, Helen and Liza, went out to a cafe/littlefoodstorething, and bought something to eat, and sat up in the upper floor, sitting by the edge so we could look down at all the people who came and bought stuff. And WHATD'YOUKNOW!!! The guy who cut my hair came in the store! (he had cut Helen's hair as well). So me and Helen fell backwards, trying to hide ourselves. And after he left, we looked at each other and asked each other, "Why the hell did we just hide from him?".

Failblog. =.= That was my story for today people :D


So the other day I was sitting with my sister and two of her friends, and suddenly my sister shouted, "I want you to take pictures of me!". So what ended up happening was that I dressed her up and took a few pictures. Thought I might share them with y'all ^^ So here are my favorite of the six shots. Check out
There you can see the rest of them, and more of my stuff :]

The reason for that is, because I was listening to it when I woke up, and I have it stuck on my brain >.<

Monday, August 2, 2010

Who? Me? Booooring.

~ Picture of me ~

Hey people! This is Le Boo's very first blog post. I never really thought I would get to blogging, like, ever. But, I was convinced to do so, so I will try and keep this up as much as possible. Especially since I have absolutely nothing to do these days ;P
So, since I am doing this, I might as well get it right, and start by introducing myself.

WHO am I?
Well, My name is Anine, but people call me Skitz. I am 15 years old - 16 in November - and I am a girl (oh my god no way!). I currently live in Norway. I love all different types of music! :D
I enjoy photography and painting, and have a deviantART page, so check it out ^^

Not much more to say about me for now, so I guess this post is over, right?
Well, I don't really know what this blog is going to be about, but fuck it, that isn't really important ;P I'll just go with the flow.