Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's been a while

Okay so I haven't been so good anymore xD I have been really busy with school lately, and trying to sort my life out. Things have been really hectic and I still don't really know whats happened the past few weeks.
I take Japanese after school, and I have missed two classes, and I feel like I have missed out on a whole year. Seriously, I am never going to be sick on Tuesdays and Wednesdays EVER again.

On another note, I just read a blog post that really aggravated me. A boy I know is 18 years old, and he was just minding his own business when a guy punched him in the face because he is gay. WHAT THE FUCK!? WHY do people have to act like such childish assholes? I don't get it!
Sometimes I feel like people are really immature. That humans will never come to terms with the simplest of things! AND IT IS SO FRUSTRATING!

Hmm, lets see what else I can fill you in on.

Nothing much really. I am pretty much boring for a long time.

But I can't wait for my birthday!! The 6th of November. It is going to be a blast.


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