Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I am slightly upset today.

I cant remember what I was going to write about it.


OH!! I remember now :P

I am slightly upset today because my scanner isnt up anymore :[ We had to pack it away for us to move.

And now there is also a lot of good news!!
I get my own room in the apartment, :] I cant remember if I said that I had to share a room with my little sister (the Justin Bieber lover), but there was a time period where my parents had decided that.
But finally I am able to sleep in the "hallway"-ish room that leads in to my sister's room. The one with no door !
I am also allowed to decorate the room however I may feel, so I am going to finally hang up all my art work :D I cant wait!! I really have been longing to hang up all my paintings. It has been painful to see them laying around in corners with no purpose in life whatsoever.

And also, I brought down my fathers acoustic guitar and started playing. I have lately been playing on my el-guitar without the amp, because I am just too lazy, and I am really sick of not being able to hear what I am playing. So I think that I am allowed to put my el-guitar somewhere nice and peaceful while I enjoy the acoustic one. But I dont want to put the love of my life in storage, because then I know I will never find her again :[ So I have to speak with my rentals about that.

Another thing that I am happy about is that I am finally getting back in to painting and writing. I am doing this project for my mother, where I am going to paint something for her on this large wall in her atelier. It is going to be wicked ;P Now I just need inspiration.

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