Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Music Music Music

I have a thing for music. I am not thinking of any normal "Oh music is my life" quote or anything like that, but a real passion for music. I might not be a picky listener, but I choose my favorites carefully.

You know how those few songs that aren't anything special or extravagant get the hairs on the back of your neck to rise? Just from a few notes or words or whatever.
Lately I have found a few songs that have done this to me. I have been missing this feeling of complete bliss for a long time. Music these days have become so blunt and boring, and I love to look at older music and just be taken away by its beauty.

Today I was listening to "Each small candle" by Roger Walters. I really don't know why, but my whole body was shaking. No, I wasn't cold. I was lying in my bed with my duvet over me, siting and just relaxing when a friend tells me to take a look at the song. Of course, me being a complete music-aholic, I look at it, and well what do you know I am spazzing because of it xD
So look it up on Youtube or Spotify or something. Even if Roger Walters isn't your type of music, just try it. You wont regret :P

Another song is "Cannibal" by VETO. I seriously thought I was going to melt and disappear. It has such strong lyrics and the notes aren't that complicated, but definitely a perfect fit and it brings such a wholeness to the song :3 CHECK IT OUT <3

That is all for now <3

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