Friday, January 7, 2011

An Epiphany

Today I learned a very valuable lesson..

I was walking down the street to go get a coffee when I stumbled upon a crying homeless woman. Now, like many others, I just walked past her. But I kept thinking about her. She was so desperate for someone to help her, and yet people didn't even pay attention. Just walked past her. So, me being the person that I am, walked in to the coffee shop, got my coffee and 50 kroners (the equivalent of about 5 or 6 dollars) and walked back to the lady, handing her the money. It was the most amazing experience to see the change on the woman's face. A smile erupted and she stood up and hugged me, thanking me many times.

Now I dont know what you are all thinking, but from seeing how happy the woman got from just 50 kroners, I was given a new sight on life. Well, maybe not something as big as life, but at least on happiness.

Happiness isn't something that will come to you, you have to go out and find it. The woman asked for help, and I gave her help. From seeing her happiness, I received happiness. I had been really upset, and when I helped her, I in return felt better about myself. As if I had made a difference. So I think that the little things you do for others will make you feel better about yourself, and in return for their happiness, you will receive happiness. And if more people start to think this way (and I don't just mean walking around giving every homeless person money), more people will be happy. So if you see someone in need, go over to them and help them out. Not only will you be helping others, but you will be helping yourself become a better person <3

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing, you know that?
    You show me again and again how brilliant, creative and full of care, compassion and bravery you are.
    Keep strong, keep being yourself, and think of me here and there, because I love you a lot a lot a lot. <3
