Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Music Music Music

I have a thing for music. I am not thinking of any normal "Oh music is my life" quote or anything like that, but a real passion for music. I might not be a picky listener, but I choose my favorites carefully.

You know how those few songs that aren't anything special or extravagant get the hairs on the back of your neck to rise? Just from a few notes or words or whatever.
Lately I have found a few songs that have done this to me. I have been missing this feeling of complete bliss for a long time. Music these days have become so blunt and boring, and I love to look at older music and just be taken away by its beauty.

Today I was listening to "Each small candle" by Roger Walters. I really don't know why, but my whole body was shaking. No, I wasn't cold. I was lying in my bed with my duvet over me, siting and just relaxing when a friend tells me to take a look at the song. Of course, me being a complete music-aholic, I look at it, and well what do you know I am spazzing because of it xD
So look it up on Youtube or Spotify or something. Even if Roger Walters isn't your type of music, just try it. You wont regret :P

Another song is "Cannibal" by VETO. I seriously thought I was going to melt and disappear. It has such strong lyrics and the notes aren't that complicated, but definitely a perfect fit and it brings such a wholeness to the song :3 CHECK IT OUT <3

That is all for now <3

Saturday, October 23, 2010

I haven't been a good girl

So I haven't posted since October, and I feel really mean for that :[ SOWWY! ;__; It will not happen again !!

But! Since I have been gone for this long, I have a little more to tell y'all about :] Yay?

I have been really busy with school and chores at home. I have had 5 tests since last, and I am going to have 2 presentations in the upcoming week :S Yippi...
But those 5 tests went really well :] In Math I got a 4 = C, more or less. Thats a whole grade better than what I got during middle school!! :D And then I got a 5 in Biology (B), a 5- in Social Studies (B-) and a 5 in Japanese!! We haven't gotten our Norwegian test back yet, but I can't wait to see what I get on it!! Oh!! And we did also have an English test which we also haven't gotten back :P
The two presentations that are coming up is in English and in Norwegian.
In the Norwegian presentation, I have to present about a picture in the book, and tell about what I think the picture means and if it is related to a text etc. Not that hard :P
The English test, on the other hand, is FREAKING IMPOSSIBLE!! I have to figure out about the "Recent changes in the English language in South Africa", recent being the past 100 years. OMFG what does she think she is doing! I have asked her about it, like if she could help us, and all she says is, "you have to post questions on the internet and call people".....Okay? Cant she just tell us? Obviously she knows NOTHING about the topic herself, so what the fuck is the point?

Ugh, so that was my rant about school, now let us go on to life in general xD

I am moving! Yes, I am :P From a house to an apartment. It's not far from where I live now, but it is going to be a big change. Although I like smaller spaces better <3
The only problem is, is that I don't really have a room....my room is a hallway...I don't have a door to the hallway, and there are bookshelves in the way, so I don't have space for a bed, I have to have a pull out couch. I could decide between that and sleeping in the same room as me 2 year younger sister who covers her walls with Justin Bieber posters and sprays perfume all over the place...I would literally die. I mean, I could live with the Justin Bieber.....fetish, but not with the perfume. Migraines....not good for me...
So I chose to sleep in the hallway with no door or space....or closet space. I hope that goes well >.<
In this house there is no sun, no isolation in the walls, and it sounds like someone is walking up and down the stairs all night, starting from around 2-ish, to around 5-ish. Trust me, I know because I usually am up all night, waiting for sleep to kick in....
The new apartment will be great. I have a good feeling :]

Other than that, I want to feature some really awesome artists :D !! Check out their other stuff as well ;]

Joodlez is a really talented girl from Denmark! I love her art, so abstract and VERY awesome :D Plus, she is incredibly pretty :3 Check her out by clicking here

AngiePai is a girl from Norway, and one of my best friends <3 href="http://angiepai.deviantart.com/">here

Silentsecret13 has been a deviant for 1 year, and yet she doesn't have more than 1650 pageviews! She has so much awesome photography in her gallery, that I demand you to go check it out!! :D To visit her page, click here

And last but not least, we have the awesome Seeking-what-hmmm :] Now this guy is amazing. I really love his photography! His shots really are beautiful, leaving me speechless and wishing I could take pictures like that. To check out his page, click here

And now, for a little bit of self advertisement xD I have submitted some new stuff on dA :] Check them out ;P