Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy Holidays

So Christmas is now over, and New Year is coming up in only a few days!
This has been a really nice few weeks. I have been ill though, which kinda sucks, but other than that I have had a great time :D
So what did you guys get for Christmas? Anything nice?
I got a few great gifts!! :D

A tablet, and as a result, I can do this;

YEH I DID THAT :D hahah! I know its not a masterpiece, but hey, its good for a beginner :D

I also got a PS3, so I have made a PSN account and I have Call of Duty :D and Assassins creed and other stuff xD hahaha

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas is right around the corne

The title says it all, pretty much.

So Christmas is only 7 days away! I really dont know whether or not to look forward to it or not. All I know is that once Christmas is over, New Years is here, and thats a time to PARTEEY :D But I guess Christmas is also nice. Gather around with family and friends and eat rise pudding and marzipan pigs....lol.

Anyway, since Christmas is right around the corner, you HAVE to read this :]

I wrote this 2 years ago for an English class. Its kinda funny.

Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!!